Jihadi Terrorism in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the Context of the Activity of the Islamic State Khorasan Province
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Islamic State Khorasan Province, jihadi terrorism, radicalisationAbstract
Central Asia, especially former Soviet republics, is one of the area of the activity of jihadi terrorism. In the future, it can be one of the more important factors of the destabilisation of the region. For more than two decades, this extremism has been creating serious threat for international security. It is exemplified by the Islamic State of Khorasan Province and by the act of violence that occurred in Moscow in March 2024. This article deals with the problem of violent radicalisation and radical islam in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It focuses on the conditions of these mechanisms in the region, referring to the convergence of subversive and terrorist movements. The paper also mentions some strategies introduced during recent years in response to the jihadi activity. The methodological analysis is based on the integration of historical and cause-and-effect method, and refers to the Marc Sageman’s theory of the jihadist network, which is more appropriate in the context understanding how they appear and operate.
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