Effective management in modern political parties and campaigns. The application analysis of political management concept in Poland





Political campaigning, election staff, political marketing, political organization management


Effective management is the key point of each organization’s wellfunctioning, political parties likewise. This article is an attempt to present the importance of the management in politics with particular emphasis on managing the political parties. Essential data for reaching the goal has been taken from literature analysis as well as market observation performed by the author with special attention of international research and Polish marketplace background. Research problem is complemented by comparative analysis of presented concept and polish practice which offers the local conditions identification and good practice recognition it the process of gaining the competitive advantage. An additional value of the text is the pointing out of the fundamental differences and similarities in the area of management between the political and commercial organization.


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2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-02-07


How to Cite

Sempach, M. (2024). Effective management in modern political parties and campaigns. The application analysis of political management concept in Poland. Eastern Review, 11(2), 103–123. https://doi.org/10.18778/1427-9657.11.20 (Original work published December 30, 2023)


