Essay as a Hydrofoil Boat: Reflections on Reading Jan Tomkowski’s Anthology of Polish Literary Essay




Polish literary essay, anthology, genre, quasi-genre, master edition


The paper is a multifaceted and contextual attempt at discussing the anthology of Polish literary essay in the version proposed by Jan Tomkowski in the edition of Biblioteka Narodowa (Series I, no. 329). It is also an essay on this essay anthology.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Kuczyńska-Koschany, Adam Mickiewicz University

Katarzyna Kuczyńska-Koschany (born 20 December 1970 in Poznań) – professor, specialist in Polish studies, comparatist, essayist, author of poems as well as poetic and autobiographical prose (an award in K.K. Baczyński Competition, 2006). She specialises in poetry and its interpretation as well as the reception of poets writing in German and French in Poland; the Holocaust; synapses of poetry and visual arts; European and Polish literary essay. She is the author of numerous books, including: Rilke poetów polskich (2004; 2nd ed., 2017), Rycerz i Śmierć. O ‘Elegiach duinejskich’ Rainera Marii Rilkego (2010; 2nd ed., 2015), Interlinie w ciemności. Jednak interpretacja (2012), Все поэты жиды’. Antytotalitarne gesty poetyckie i kreacyjne wobec Zagłady oraz innych doświadczeń granicznych (2013), Skąd się bierze lekcja polskiego? Scenariusze, pomysły, konteksty (2016), Nikt nie widzi dobrze. Eseje (2018), as well as of a volume of prose titled Zielony promień (2006). She also co-edited the collection of Anna Pogonowska’s poems, titled Wiersze (nie)zapomniane (2018). She published about 300 scholarly papers and drafts. She is the co-author of a textbook titled Staropolskie korzenie współczesności (2004). The academic supervisor of the Association of Jewish Culture and Literature Lovers ‘Dabru emet’ (UAM). Mother of Tobiasz and Lena Miriam.


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How to Cite

Kuczyńska-Koschany, K. (2019). Essay as a Hydrofoil Boat: Reflections on Reading Jan Tomkowski’s Anthology of Polish Literary Essay. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (8), 385–393.




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