Svetlana Slapšak’s Feminist Essay: A Polygraph of Contemporary Culture




Serbian contemporary essay, feminism, textual interventions, power of objection, Svetlana Slapšak


The article discusses the problem of the theory and practice of contemporary Serbian feminist essay. The text indicates how – at the turn of the 21st century – the essay participated in the reading of the nationalist culture of fear during the breakup of Yugoslavia, how it became the tool for creating an analytical and methodological platform and a means of quick anthropological and cultural diagnoses, as well as a form of transfer of social or philosophical notions. This new strategy of the essay was illustrated through the examples of books by Svetlana Slapšak, a leading figure of the (sub)genre in the Serbian culture, a professor of cultural anthropology, classical philologist, and feminist critic: Mala crna haljina. Eseji o antropologiji i feminizmu (1993/2007, Little Black Dress. Essays on Anthropology and Feminism), Ženske ikone XX veka (2001, Female Icons of the 20th Century), Ženske ikone antičkog sveta (2006, Female Icons of the Antiquity), Antička miturgija: žene (2013, Antique Mythurgy: Women). It becomes clear that one of the trends of the contemporary essay in the Serbian and post-Yugoslav cultures is the application of the genre in the spirit of modern engaged humanities and textual intervention.


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Author Biography

Magdalena Koch, Adam Mickiewicz University

Magdalena Koch – professor at the Institute of Slavic Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, head of the Balkan Gender and Trans-Cultural Studies Research Unit. Her academic research interests include the study of history of Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian literatures of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries; gender studies; Serbian feminist essay; Serbian and Croatian modern drama and theatre; the studies of Sephardi Jews in the Balkans. She is the author of the following monographs: Podróże w czasie i przestrzeni. Proza Isidory Sekulić (2000), ...kiedy dojrzejemy jako kultura... Twórczość pisarek serbskich na początku XX wieku (kanon – genre – gender) (2007; supplemented and expanded edition in Serbian: Belgrade 2012), and Mistrzynie myślenia. Serbski esej feministyczny: XIX-XXI wiek (2019). She is also the co-author of the monograph titled Milena Pavlović Barilli EX POST (Belgrade, 2009). She was the thematic editor of an issue of the “Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne” journal (Gender Theories and Practices in Slavic Cultural Texts. Innovation – Inspiration – Interpretation, 11/2016), and of the “Studia Judaica” journal (Strategies of Survival: Balkan Jewish Women and Cultural Representations of Memory 2018, no. 1, issue 41, in collaboration with Katarzyna Taczyńska). She translates from Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian prose (Miloš Crnjanski, Miroslav Mićanović, Nenad Veličković, Damir Arsenijević), drama (Tanja Šljivar, Ivana Sajko, Lada Kaštelan, Adnan Lugonić), and poetry (Dubravka Đurić, Ferida Duraković).


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How to Cite

Koch, M. (2019). Svetlana Slapšak’s Feminist Essay: A Polygraph of Contemporary Culture. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (8), 93–111.




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