The Religious Thereads and Biblical Figures in the Astronomical Treatise of Jan of Głogów (1445–1507)


  • Robert K. Zawadzki Zakład Literatury Antycznej i Staropolskiej, Instytut Filologii Polskiej Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, ul. Armii Krajowej 36 a, 42–200 Częstochowa



Neo-Latin literature, Bible, Christian religion, myth, astronomy


The article offers insights on the reception and literary transmission of the religious and biblical threads running through the astronomical treatise Introductorium compendiosum in Tractatum sphaerae materialis Ioannis de Sacrobusto of Jan of Głogów. As a narrative and historical book, the Bible offered a broad market for tales in both oral and written form and apocryphal works of fiction, which were adopted and adapted in Jan’s dissertation in order to meet the scientific tasks and expectations of young listeners, thus making the practical realization of the scholastic educational standards and needs. Among others, the article examines in Jan’s treatise popular biblical tales, such as Adam and Eve, Moses, Noah, Abraham, and Jerusalem and the Hell together with their geographical and astronomical features. The history of Pontius Pilatus is also discussed with his alleged German descent. This combination of such disparate narrative and research material shows both the wealth of Jan’s storytelling and his ability to teach astronomy.

Author Biography

Robert K. Zawadzki, Zakład Literatury Antycznej i Staropolskiej, Instytut Filologii Polskiej Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, ul. Armii Krajowej 36 a, 42–200 Częstochowa

He is professor of the Polish literature in the Institute of the Polish Literature at the Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa. He teaches courses in general European literature and in the Polish literature, including the Neo- Latin literature.


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How to Cite

Zawadzki, R. K. (2017). The Religious Thereads and Biblical Figures in the Astronomical Treatise of Jan of Głogów (1445–1507). Collectanea Philologica, (20), 121–135.


