Creative products in international trade statistics


  • Joanna Wyszkowska-Kuna University of Łódź



The products generated by the “creative industries” consist of creative goods and creative services. The goal of this publication is to show that most creative products that are classified in international transactions as creative goods are, in fact, creative services embodied in goods. In practice it means that in international trade in creative products it is the service products that dominate and international trade in creative services is highly underestimated. Changes in international statistics relating to the methods of classifying trade transactions in goods and services are analyzed in the further part of this paper. The author of the study makes also an attempt to evaluate if these changes are aimed at increasing the inclusion of embodied services and services delivered electronically into the value of international trade in services.


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How to Cite

Wyszkowska-Kuna, J. (2010). Creative products in international trade statistics. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 13(3), 47–71.


