Stanisław Szczotka – historyk dziejów wsi i działacz ludowy (1912–1954)
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Stanisław Szczotka, biography, countryside, People’s MovementAbstrakt
The paper presents the profile of an outstanding researcher of the country-wide and a deserved activist of the People’s Movement who was closely related to the prominent figure of this movement i.e. Wincenty Witos. So far, information about life and activity of that scholar was scarce and came only from dictionary publishers. This text, however, puts special focus not only on Professors’ scientific achievements, but also on his dramatic fate during the Stalinist period. Similar to many persecuted people at those times, in order to resume his research career he had to conceal his past as a People’s Movement activist, agrarian and supporter of liberal-democratic system.
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