Fieldnotes from ethnographic research in rural areas of the Polish Jurassic Highland as a record of the process of becoming an anthropologist




cultural anthropology, researcher, ethnologist, fieldnotes, field research, rites of passage, Polish Jurassic Highland


This article is based on research conducted in rural areas of the Polish Jurassic Highland by first-year ethnology and cultural anthropology students as part of their first field exercises. One of their tasks was to keep fieldnotes, which provided an insight into the young anthropologists’ experiences. Based on an analysis of these notes, I decided to inscribe the process of becoming an anthropologist into the pattern of the rite of passage according to the model proposed by Arnold van Gennep. The purpose of the article is to analyze and interpret the students’ notes and present the point of view of a young researcher – including myself, the author of this article, who participated in this research – on the Polish countryside and the role of the field in the “anthropological initiation.” Making fieldnotes is not only a technique or method of producing anthropological knowledge, but also a source of information about the researcher’s inner experiences during their professional initiation. The article investigates how the specificity of the rural areas of the Polish Jurassic Highland (as the first research field) influenced the process of the symbolic transformation of a student into an anthropologist.


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How to Cite

Ludwiczak, K. (2023). Fieldnotes from ethnographic research in rural areas of the Polish Jurassic Highland as a record of the process of becoming an anthropologist. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 29, 239–260.


