V.A. Sukhomlynsky: from village school to global humanistic pedagogics





humanistic approach, pedagogics, V.A. Sukhomlinskiy, education


Pedagogics of Vasiliy Alexandrovich Sukhomlinskiy (1918–1970) is a particular system of education. As a true innovator, Sukhomlinskiy worked in many rural schools, since 1948 he was a headmaster of secondary school in Pavlysh. His professional attitude can be characterized, in the first place, by personalized approach to his students. Essence of this approach reflects not only intersectionality of various educational influences affecting every child (as well as orientation of educational process on formation of a creative personality with active public stance and high moral responsibility) but also education via a collective and within a collective, when pedagogical influence on both personality and collective merges in single operational technique. He created unique “School for parents” without parallels anywhere else in the world. The School provided its students not just lectures on various topics but also confidential conversations for parents’ mutual enrichment in experience of educating and upbringing of their children. Thus Sukhomlinskiy’s pedagogics elevates the problem of personality development on a global humanistic level that brings together both direct and mediated influences on a growing human personality.


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How to Cite

Košel’, V., Nakonečnaâ, M., & Papuča, N. (2021). V.A. Sukhomlynsky: from village school to global humanistic pedagogics. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 27, 87–101. https://doi.org/10.18778/1506-6541.27.04


