Experiencing Loneliness as a Source of Existential Suffering during Alzheimer’s Disease





solitude and loneliness, Alzheimer’s disease, existential suffering, trauma of unaccountable loneliness, fear of the future, qualitative research, case study


The paper analyses the specificity of the phenomenon of loneliness experienced in Alzheimer’s disease. The theoretical part contains a discussion on the issue of solitude and loneliness as described in the scientific literature, as well as on the significance of various manifestations of loneliness for the possibility of achieving existential fulfilment. Particular attention has been paid to the context of unaccountable loneliness caused by destructive changes in Alzheimer’s disease. It disrupts the ability to remember and perceive oneself in relation to one’s social environment. In the empirical part which uses the qualitative research approach, an in-depth reflection on the multi-faceted, very complex nature of experiencing loneliness by an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s disease is presented. The analysis was conducted on the basis of her own entries in her daily notebook concerning the ways of experiencing loneliness as a source of existential suffering. The analysis of the collected research material enabled the identification of several manifestations of the loneliness of an elderly person which do not correspond with the typical image of loneliness experienced by an individual unaffected by dementia. The analysis captured the subtle nature of existential suffering, which reflects the specificity of the deepening personal degradation of an elderly person caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

Author Biography

Arkadiusz Wąsiński, University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Wąsiński, Arkadiusz – doctor habilitatus of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, Department of Andragogy and Social Gerontology at the University of Lodz. He specializes in andragogy, family pedagogy, and geragogy. Areas of study: self-creation of an adult as an existentially significant biographic experience and, in that context, self-creation of childless couples for multidimensional adoptive parenthood, existential issues of ageing and old age. In 2019, he was awarded the “Prize for an Excellent Monograph” by the Board of the Academic Andragogic Society in Poland.


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How to Cite

Wąsiński, A. (2020). Experiencing Loneliness as a Source of Existential Suffering during Alzheimer’s Disease. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 10(1), 202–219. https://doi.org/10.18778/2450-4491.10.14