Where Else Can You Find a Discussion about the Development of Abilities, Self-Realization and Creativity…? The “Promised Inspirations. Conversations with Representatives of Culture, Science and Art”
Project under the Patronage of the Rector of the University of Lodz
culture animation, popularization of science, creative process, creative personality, development of abilities, self-realizationAbstract
Since January 2023 the project entitled “Promised Inspirations. Conversations with Representatives of Culture, Science and Art” has been running under the patronage of the Rector of the University of Lodz. The series is a form of culture animation and popularization of science. The meetings are addressed primarily to the academic community, as well as to cultural activists, artists, employees and entrepreneurs of the creative industries and all those interested in culture, science and the arts in general. The purpose of the text is to describe the idea, formula, goals and origins of the project, as well as to indicate the target group and guests of the meetings.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18778/7525-837-0.02
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