The impact of retail chains on the local development of small towns and rural areas in Śląskie Voivodeship




retail trade, retail trade formats, small towns, rural areas, discount stores


The retail chains in Poland has been undergoing constant structural, quantitative and qualitative changes since the beginning of transformation. New formats, such as parks and shopping malls, are appearing in the structure of the retail chains, there is an intensive development of discount chains, applying the low-price strategy and selection of the assortment offer. Traditional, small stores more and more often operate within integrated chains, which allow them to reduce operating costs. E-commerce and new technologies supporting distribution processes are essential for the development of the retail chains. The situation changes most quickly in largest cities, but over time, similar changes also take place in small towns and rural areas.

Large and medium-sized cities, as attractive markets, were a natural field for increased activity of commercial investments. For several years, investors have started to expand into small towns, which constitute 76% of cities in Poland.

The aim of the article is to determine the impact of retail chains, especially discount chains, on the development of small towns and the surrounding rural areas. In 2018, pilot studies were carried out in selected small towns and rural areas in the Śląskie Voivodeship, located in the zone of influence of the Upper Silesian agglomeration.


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How to Cite

Twardzik, M., & Heffner, K. (2020). The impact of retail chains on the local development of small towns and rural areas in Śląskie Voivodeship. Space – Society – Economy, (31), 45–60.


