If a small town can turn into a big? Case study of Wałbrzych in the second half of the 19th and beginning of 20th century
town planning, 19th century, 20th century, WałbrzychAbstract
Wałbrzych, which was founded as a village, expanded to a small mining town. The rising of the coal mining industry has led to the origin of the regional mining basin. At the same time industrial region was developed. Former small town became the heart of the district. Local authorities set up efforts to increase representativeness of the city as the seat of the County. In the old town and its vicinity were located the administrative authorities buildings, banks, shops and services of the higher usability. At the same time, former villages were changed, taking the forms of workers’ settlements – suburbs of Wałbrzych. Transformation of the landscape was changing the town. Could that process, however, lead to create the metropolitan nature of the city and to maintain it? Some preserved settings and tradition decided that the success of that process was only partial.
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