The changes of religion structure at Romanian cities – Case of Oradea
transformation, structure, religion, ethnic, Romania, cities, social structureAbstract
Oradea during the period of the socialistic regime played a role of an important industrial and administrative centre. Nowadays, Oradea with its about 210 thousand citizens, can be a good example of the religion changes. The religion changes, which take place in Oradea, have had a typical run, characteristic for multi – ethnic cities. The border location of Oradea is conductive to intermingles the religion, ideas, people, capital and the western style of life, which makes the rate of the changes faster in comparison to the rest of Romanian cities of Banat, Crişana, Maramures and Transilvania. This article has presented analyse of changes at the ethnical and religions structures at the city, to show the process of changes social structures of Oradea, which is similar to many Romanian cities. The range of the changes together with the before existing process seems to deepen. For one, the process of Hungarian, German and Jewish minorities’ migration is creally seen. And heavy influenced at the religion structure of the city. We cane observe growing role of new churches like: Adventist, Evangelic CA, Pentecostal, Baptist, and Evangelic PS., weakness of Roman-Catholic Church and even slowly degrees of Orthodox Church. There is a strong correlation between migration process, changing the ethnical structure and the process of changing the religion ones, especially at the case of Hungarians, Jewish and Germans minorities.
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