
  • Stanisław Mordwa



Łódź, warunki mieszkaniowe, poczucie bezpieczeństwa, przestępczość


This article consists of two parts: short theoretical admission and the main, empirical part. The main part presents the analysis of the level of fear of crime, the factors that influence it and characteristics of the prevalence in recorded crime of five selected housing estates: D browa (block housing estate mainly dates from 1970−75 years), Jagiełły-Czarnieckiego (building dates from the years 1975−80), Karolew (blocks from the second half of the sixties), Kurak (older buildings were designed for habitation before the 1965 year) and Widzew-Wschód (housing estate was built in the eighties). The author analyzes research results regarding three main aspects of the sense of security: cognitive (What is the likelihood that you will become a victim of offence?, What is the likelihood that you will become a victim of one of the forms of offence mentioned below (such: beaten, robbed, assaulted, molested etc)?), emotional (How often do you usually walk alone in this area after dark?) and behavioural (active/passive forms of protection). As well socio-demographic factors of residents that influence the level of fear were studied. In five research areas, respondents assessed the dangers and threats in their neighbourhood in a different way but there are not identified any significant spatial variations in sense of security. On the other hand, there are many interesting correlations between three main components of the fear of crime and between components and certain socio-demographic respondent’s characteristics as well. The survey also confirmed a lack of correlation between the sense of security and the real level of recorded crime.


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How to Cite

Mordwa, S. (2011). THE SENSE OF SECURITY IN ŁÓDŹ. THE CASE OF HOUSING ESTATES RESIDENTS. Space – Society – Economy, (10), 181–196.