The importance of ‘small cities’ in the context of supralocal structures development. The example of the upper Silesian Metropolitan area


  • Karolina Szaton Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Architektury, Katedra Urbanistyki i Planowania Przestrzennego



Landscape protection, Upper Silesian agglomeration, functional area, postindustrial heritage, natural environment


Nowadays, the impact of large cities and their domination in every aspect – geographic, economic or social – seems to overwhelm the smaller cities, especially in highly urbanized structures, such as the Upper Silesian metropolitan area. Although small cities are the minority in this case, analysis of spatial structures of the districts found in this area reveals that, although formally not being small cities, they can be included in this category because they actually function like small cities. They are often interesting places, the mainstay of the local culture, which managed to survive in the era of globalization, but usually they become an ‘element’ connecting or separating the highly urbanized centers. The aim of this study is to identify possible paths of development of these small ‘cities’ so that they will not lose their identity, but will adjust to the needs of the present. This requires coherent action and thinking about these places in a broader context than just administrative boundaries. When considered as the sum, these small ‘cities’ multiply their potential, which turns out to largely co-create the landscape. Creating functional areas based on landscape values as a specific criterion of delimitation would enhance the role of these small ‘cities’ and guide their development. It can be concluded that it is the industrial landscape which is an integrating factor in the case of Upper Silesian metropolitan area. Based on the connections and relations between natural areas and industrial areas, a functional area can be created, which would improve the prospects of small Silesian ‘cities’ as well impact on the entire structure and the neighboring larger urban areas.


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How to Cite

Szaton, K. (2016). The importance of ‘small cities’ in the context of supralocal structures development. The example of the upper Silesian Metropolitan area. Space – Society – Economy, (17), 67–83.