The evaluation of homogeneity within Polish regions in terms of population age structure




population structure by age, procedure classification, Ward’s method, region, demography


Cities, especially capitals of voivodeships, constitute an important element of each region in economic, social, and demographic terms. A big city functions as a growth centre, influencing the environment at various levels. However, the strength of their polarizing influence often reaches beyond the respective administrative boundaries. Urbanization and suburbanization significantly affect the course of population processes.

Poland is differentiated territorially by the age structure of the population. This is visible both at the voivodeship level and within these administrative units. For several decades, the progress of the population aging process has been observed – especially in cities, which are characterized by a higher advancement of demographic old age.

The paper aims to evaluate the degree of the homogeneity (or heterogeneity) of Polish voivodships in terms of the population age structure. First, as an introduction to the main analysis, a demographic description of Polish voivodships (understood also as regions) was conducted, including with their capital cities in the year 2002 and 2018. The description incorporates age structures with particular emphasis on the aging process of the population. Within each region the classification procedure was conducted (Ward’s method was used), but only the results for voivodships with the most populated capitals and voivodships located in the eastern part of Poland were presented. It was also attempted to evaluate the similarity between regions and their central cities with respect to the age structure of the population. GUS publications served as the source of the data analysis.

The obtained results showed that Polish voivodships vary in terms of the population age structure. In this matter, compared to all poviats in a given region, cities stand out (especially large ones). In most of the analyzed regions, the population age structure of their capitals differs from the one of poviats located within these voivodships. Those differences are much greater in the case of large cities.

Eastern Polish regions have greater homogeneity (in terms of similarities between their poviats and the capitals of individual voivodeships regarding the population age structure) than the regions with capitals of the highest population. Eastern Poland’s voivodship capitals have a lower economic, demographic, and social impact on rest of the region than large cities. Among the analyzed cities, Warsaw is characterized by a particular difference in the population age structure, both in comparison with the poviats of the Mazowieckie voivodship and with other voivodship capitals.


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How to Cite

Majdzińska, A. (2021). The evaluation of homogeneity within Polish regions in terms of population age structure. Space – Society – Economy, (32), 131–151.


