Discourse, Critique and Subject in Vocational Language Education in Germany: An Outline of the Concept of Critical Foreign Language Didactics





foreign language didactics, Critical Discourse Analysis, post-Foucauldian discourse analysis, subject formation, forms of subjectification


The paper offers an attempt at including the critical-discursive perspective in the reflection  on vocational language education in Germany; its aim is to outline a base for critical foreign language didactics drawing on the critical and post-Foucauldian discourse analysis. The first part of the paper forms  a reconstruction of the enmeshment of vocational language education in a number of contexts (political,  migrational, and integrative). Constituting a transformative variant of language didactics and examining vocational language education, critical foreign language didactics will be perceived as a research  program pertaining to the reflection on education and pedagogical activity (under the framework of critical pedagogy), teaching and learning (from the standpoint of the critical trend in general didactics), and  language education and its specificity within teaching and learning particular languages (in the context  of foreign language didactics). The final part of the paper will present methodological implications by  indicating potential directions for – and levels of – vocational language education analysis. It will also  offer an attempt at their further clarification aimed at a critical analysis of subject formation and forms  of subjectification.


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Author Biography

Łukasz Kumięga, Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Education and Communication Research, Hutnicza 9-9A, 44-100 Gliwice

Łukasz Kumięga – linguist, discoursologist, interested in relationships between language and social processes. Assistant professor at the Institute of Education and Communication Research of the Silesian University of Technology, director of the Academic Centre of German Language and Culture in Gliwice. Author of a monograph on street demonstrations of extreme right-wing movements in Germany, co-editor of multi-author monographs from the area of interdisciplinary relationships of linguistics with other humanities and social sciences. Currently conducting research at the intersection of language, discourse, education and migration.



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How to Cite

Kumięga, Łukasz. (2020). Discourse, Critique and Subject in Vocational Language Education in Germany: An Outline of the Concept of Critical Foreign Language Didactics. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 16(4), 126–145. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8069.16.4.07

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