The Category of Masculinity in the Polish Media Discourse on Robert Lewandowski




masculinities, Robert Lewandowski, Polish media discourse, sport, family, body


The fundamental objective of the studies was to reconstruct and analyze the category of masculinity in the media discourse that refers to Robert Lewandowski as well as to describe and interpret the most important discursive strategies used in creating the image of the footballer. The research material includes almost 120 Polish-language media messages: mainly Internet articles, commercial spots, and interviews, all of which appeared in the years 2013-2019. This article presents the results of the critical analysis of the discourse, including proposals of the discourse-historical approach. The prime theoretical framework of the studies is made up of the theory of hegemonic masculinity on the one hand and the theory of inclusive masculinity on the other, as well as the concept of caring masculinities. The discourse on Lewandowski is not homogeneous; it includes elements derived from different versions of masculinity. The discourse is divided into two parts: one connected with the professional sphere and the other referring to the private. The strategies describing the footballer’s professional life are quite conservative. The elements of the highest importance within this part of the discourse include hard work, success, rivalry, and the mesomorph body type. The part of the discourse referring to the footballer’s family life is dominated by the strategies connected with the concept of caring masculinities and the notion of egalitarian relationship even though it is not completely free from the traditional gender roles.


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Author Biography

Krzysztof Arcimowicz, University of Bialystok, Institute of Cultural Studies

Krzysztof Arcimowicz is an associate professor in the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Bialystok. He is the author of Obraz mężczyzny w polskich mediach (2003) and Dyskursy o płci i rodzinie w polskich telesagach (2013), as well as numerous academic articles on masculinities in contemporary culture. His current research interests include: new generation of TV series, critical discourse analysis, critical studies on men and masculinities, and body in culture.


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How to Cite

Arcimowicz, K. (2020). The Category of Masculinity in the Polish Media Discourse on Robert Lewandowski. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 16(1), 12–27.

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