Editorial: Gender Perspective in Social Research: Chosen Problems, Aspects, and Contexts
masculinity, femininity, gender, transgender, Polish media, women’s sports, motherhood, historical politics, herstory, qualitative research, discourseAbstract
This volume Society and Gender: Contemporary Issues and Research Perspectives, is a reflection of dynamically developing gender studies in the Polish social sciences. The first part of the introduction shows that gender/gender perspective has become one of the basic and essential cognitive category to understand the social world at its various levels, has also universal and widespread structural and stratification meaning. The second part of the introduction presents six articles that show all the richness and complexity of gender perspective in social research. The contributions are devoted to the issues connected with the media images of masculinity; the critical reflection on contemporary Polish television series, in particular the ways they tackle narratives that include instances of violence against women; the under-representation of media coverages of women’s sports; experiences of infertility and the social expectations towards women until they receive a diagnosis of infertility; medical views on transgender and their influence on self-perception among trans people; and the process of gendering memory as a counterpoint to the politicization of memory. The diversity of contents presented within individual texts illustrates how multi-faceted the considerations of gender issues are.
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