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Cakes Made from Sand, Paraffin Creams, and Fruit Made of Plastic: Futurism in the Discourse of the Polish Women’s Magazines from 1970–1979




futurism, high modernism, discourse, dietary advice


The purpose of this article is to present futurism as an underlying ideology present in the discourse of dietary advice published in women’s magazines in the 1970s in Poland. Futurism is one of the ideological features of the so-called high modernism. It is characterized by glorification of the future along with utopian visions of its shape, the desire to conquer world of nature with the use of technology, and historicism, i.e. the belief in linear development of mankind, which is heading toward “modernity.” The empirical study consisted of finding traits of futurism in the text of dietary advice from two of the most popular Polish women’s magazines of the 1970s: “Przyjaciółka” (“Friend”) and “Kobieta i Życie” (“Woman and Life”). The chosen method included sociologically-oriented discourse analysis. The analysis of the collected sources allowed me to argue that futurism was an important ideological factor shaping the dietary advice published in Poland in the 1970s. This observation sheds a new light on the culinary culture of the People’s Republic of Poland and opens up new interpretative possibilities.


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Author Biography

Anna Węgiel, IFiS PAN

Magister, ukończyła studia doktoranckie w Szkole Nauk Społecznych IFiS PAN. Obecnie oczekuje na obronę rozprawy doktorskiej zatytułowanej Wysoce modernistyczna dieta: scjentyzm, futuryzm i inne ideologie w dyskursie porady żywieniowej w Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej 1970–1979. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują szeroko pojętą kulturę żywienia, filozofię modernizmu, a także historyczne książki kucharskie.


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How to Cite

Węgiel, A. (2024). Cakes Made from Sand, Paraffin Creams, and Fruit Made of Plastic: Futurism in the Discourse of the Polish Women’s Magazines from 1970–1979. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 20(1), 160–185.



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