A Non-Standard Analysis of a Mini-Focus-Group and a Triad Based on the Example of a Multiconfessional Community
(focus group interview), group dynamics, multiconfessionalism, conversation and discourse analysis, transcriptionsAbstract
This article relates primarily to the mini-focus groups and triads, which constitute variations of focus group interviews, which in recent years have gained popularity not only in marketing and the broadly understood commercial sphere, but also in the academic world. However, the use of this type of interviews is still not accompanied by in-depth scientific reflection; as a result, they have acquired both staunch supporters and opponents. The author’s main intention is to fill the resultant gap, at least partially. By combining three types of analysis – i.e. group dynamics, conversation, and discourse (topics) – the Reader is offered a non-standard attitude to working with transcripts which come from focus discussions. The Reader will find in this text a reference to the results of the author’s own research, carried out in 2020 among selected multiconfessional local community. In the part dedicated to discourse analysis, the technical and practical aspects related to the presented analytical approach will also be deepened.
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