Anthropologists and anthropology in view of the process of delineating borders of the discipline. The Polish case
anthropology, the borders and identity of the discipline, geo-political configuration of knowledgeAbstract
In this article I examine the problem of the borders of anthropology and its identity as a discipline of knowledge. I focus on four themes. I take into consideration what anthropologists treat as an indicator of separateness of the discipline, what they place on the boundary between anthropology and related disciplines. I discuss the process of disciplining anthropology, which, following J. Clifford, can be defined as articulation and re-articulation of nodding points of this domain. Also, I analyse the content of Polish anthropological textbooks to establish how the identity of discipline is articulated by their authors. I direct my attention to the specificity of anthropology practiced in Poland in the context of locating it among so-called “other anthropologies.” I analyze the issue which is important for contemporary anthropologists as well as for sociologists, namely, the relationship between the metropolitan knowledge and the science practiced locally.
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