Remembered: Zofia Rydet in the Biographically-Oriented Perspective of the Sociology of Art




Zofia Rydet, artist, photography, art, biography, fieldwork, mythologization


Zofia Rydet is one of the most outstanding Polish and even European artists of the second half of the 20th century. She left a huge artistic legacy, but her biography still in many respects remains a mystery. The memory of a great artist is often mythologized, and the interpretation of the work after his/her death begins to separate from the original intentions of the creator. These are processes of great interest to art historians and sociologists alike. They can be studied by adopting the methods of the biographically-oriented sociology of art. This article uses some of these methods, namely the analysis of the existing documents, archival research, and interviews. The analysis of the collected material has revealed how Rydet was remembered by those who had the opportunity to meet her, accompanied her during field trips, and talked with her about art and photography. The aim of such research is to try to get to know the artist better, as well as to understand her work and the social functioning in what was a very specific time and environment.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Ferenc, University of Lodz, Poland

Tomasz Ferenc, employee of the Department of Sociology of Art, University of Lodz. His research interests include anthropology and visual sociology, studies of migration processes, and biographically-oriented sociology of art. Recent publications: T. Ferenc, K. Jóźwiak, A. Różycki, Zapisy pamięci. Historie Zofii Rydet (University of Lodz Press, 2020); T. Ferenc, M. Domański, Borderlands: Tensions on the External Borders of the European Union (Wydawnictwo ASP in Lodz, 2019).


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How to Cite

Ferenc, T. (2021). Remembered: Zofia Rydet in the Biographically-Oriented Perspective of the Sociology of Art. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 17(3), 206–225.