The Vocabulary of Illicit Loves in Parisian Slang from the Second Half of the 19th Century According to Alfred Delvau
Alfred Delvau, Parisian slang, Breda-Street, lexicon, prostitutionAbstract
During the late 19th century, prostitution was a prevalent issue in Paris and was mainly concentrated in the Saint-Georges district and the Breda-Street area. To understand the language and slang related to this topic, Alfred Delvau’s Dictionnaire de la langue verte, published in 1867, offers a fascinating insight. The dictionary lists various terms and expressions used by prostitutes, their clients, and other individuals involved in the trade. The classification of these slangs is debatable, but they provide a starting point for studying the vocabulary of prostitution from the 1850s to 1900s. Some of the categories proposed in the dictionary are particularly intriguing, such as the different types of prostitutes or the locations where they worked. These categories not only are valuable for language scholars, but they also have been found in literature from the time, including works of authors such as Gustave Flaubert, Victor Hugo, and Émile Zola. By studying this vocabulary, we can gain a deeper understanding of the culture and society of Paris during the late 19th century, as well as the role of prostitution in shaping it.
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- 2023-10-30 (1)
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