The application of generalising judgements and their influence on the images of selected Polish columnists (a constructivism-focussed quantitative and qualitative approach)


  • Anna Barańska-Szmitko Chair of Communication Theory and Practice, Department of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Lodz



competences, columnist, column, discourse analysis, image


The goal of the text was to indicate the image characteristics of an author of a verbal expression which were communicated through expressing generalising judgements, and to establish the difference between such generalisations depending on the given image characteristic. I used constructivism as the leading theory. In terms of methodology, I applied mixed methods: quantitative (quasi-experiment) and discourse analysis. The analysis indicated that generalisations are used for communicating the characteristics of: intelligent, critical, bluntly states her/his bold judgements, insightful, writes in an interesting way, realist, frank, while the receivers assign some of the characteristics depending on the degree of evaluation emphasis, reference to a taboo, utilisation of negation, and expressions using the 1st person plural.


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How to Cite

Barańska-Szmitko, A. (2018). The application of generalising judgements and their influence on the images of selected Polish columnists (a constructivism-focussed quantitative and qualitative approach). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 43(5), 185–198.




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