Selected Aspects of the Understanding of Time by People with ASD




autism, time, stereotypies, neurobiology of time, ASD


The article aims to show selected aspects of understanding the category of time by people on the autism spectrum. The specificity of time processing and perception by these people has been shown against the background of neurobiological and cultural conditions. The authors review the literature on the neurobiology of time and the cultural understanding and determination of time.

They draw attention to the need to deepen the research on time processing by patients with ASD due to the importance of this skill for cognitive and social functioning of both children and adults. Based on a case study, special attention was given to was also paid to the problem of treating time as a stereotypy/fixation by people on the spectrum, which may signal complex reasons for differences in the processing and understanding of time, relating, among others, to adaptive abilities, communication difficulties or cognitive mechanisms.

The research review and case analysis clearly indicate the need to conduct population research and include the problem in question in the scope of therapy for people on the autism spectrum.


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How to Cite

Korendo, M., & Zmuda, E. (2024). Selected Aspects of the Understanding of Time by People with ASD. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (9), 165–180.


