Voice Feminization Therapy in Transgender Bilingual Adolescent with Multiple Disorders. A Case Study
voice feminization, transgender, voice training, case studyAbstract
Voice feminization therapy may be one of the important stages of gender transition, or gender reassignment done by transgender persons. The aim of such voice training is to obtain more ‘female’ voice through specialized, feminizing techniques, such as elevation of the larynx. Ultimately, distress resulting from gender incongruence between one’s gender identity and one’s sex assigned at birth may be reduced as well. This article investigates a case study of a transgender bilingual adolescent female with multiple disorders: gender dysphoria, depression, Asperger syndrome and hyperacusis. The paper presents the outcomes from the interview, therapy stages, therapeutic techniques used as well as the impact of the patient’s psychophysical condition on the meetings. The patient displayed high motivation and satisfaction with changes observed in her voice. However, despite having mastered all the feminizing techniques, she insisted on continuing the therapy. The standard of care was modified according to her individual needs by, for instance, adapting English practice material – original texts and movie scenes with female characters. Voice feminization at adolescent may provide a sense of progress when other, more invasive procedures are not yet available.
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