A Proposal for Assessing the Functioning of the Sense of Smell and Olfactory Stimulation in Children as Part of Speech Therapy Treatment for Disorders of Various Etiologies





sense of smell, olfactory disorders, olfactory therapy, oral reflex reactions to odours


Smell disorders in neurological patients have been noticed by diagnosticians and therapists from various fields, but it is in only recent years that the sense of smell and the treatment of its disorders have become an important area of research and scientific exploration, also in speech therapy. The presented procedures for examining the sense of smell in children under 2 years of age and for olfactory‑respiratory stimulation serve illustrative purposes. They have been prepared in relation to the latest research, including neuropsychological and neuroanatomical research, and result from therapeutic experience in working with speech therapy patients with olfactory disorders. Research and observations conducted on a group of 100 children with developmental difficulties and without reflexes indicating correct reception of olfactory stimuli clearly indicate that the problem of olfactory disorders affects a very large group of children and has an impact on the overall functioning of a small person from the first moments of his or her life. Proposed diagnostic and therapeutic procedure protocol in olfactory disorders was developed and then used in the period 04/2022–04/2023 on patients aged 3 to 24 months at the Ołtaszynek Children’s Day Rehabilitation Center in Wrocław. The evaluation of the activities proves the effectiveness of the procedures used in terms of triggering reflexes accompanying the perception of odours, including the appearance of the nasal respiratory tract.


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Author Biography

Ewa Racławska, Dzienny Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Dziecięcej „Ołtaszynek”

M.A., clinical speech therapist, olfactory therapist, andragogical pedagogue. As an active speech therapist, he works at the "Ołtaszynek" Children's Day Rehabilitation Center in Wrocław and at the PULSANTIS Specialist and Rehabilitation Clinic in Wrocław, where he conducts speech therapy for children with developmental challenges. She is the first therapist in Poland dealing with the rehabilitation of smell disorders. She cooperates with, among others, with speech therapists and therapists from France.


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How to Cite

Dragun, G., & Racławska, E. (2024). A Proposal for Assessing the Functioning of the Sense of Smell and Olfactory Stimulation in Children as Part of Speech Therapy Treatment for Disorders of Various Etiologies. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (10), 119–142. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.10.08