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Linguistic expression of thoughts through writing: an analysis of written communication of a selected group of children on the autism spectrum




autism spectrum, communication by writing, movable alphabet


The ability to communicate affects the quality and comfort of life. An important problem is how non‑speaking autistic people communicate and how to choose the right tools to convey thoughts. The result of the pilot study presented in the article indicates the need to explore the analysis of communication by means of writing of non‑speaking children who have not yet started school. The respondents showed significant limitations in the way they wrote, but the potential of the tool used for speaking was also evident. A disturbed movement plan limits the ability to speak and manual dexterity, which translates into hand movements when writing down. With writing, the children were given the chance to express themselves freely, albeit without the use of their voice.


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How to Cite

Sedivy-Mączka, K. (2023). Linguistic expression of thoughts through writing: an analysis of written communication of a selected group of children on the autism spectrum. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (7), pp. 14.