Voice Disorders and Performance Anxiety. Children and Youth Stage Fright Scale – Tool Validation





stage fright, perfomance, voice production, psychogenic voice disorders


Stage fright is one of the most common phenomena before performance. An important reason for measuring stage fright is negative impact on the health and voice production of children and youth. There are theories in world literature that describe the phenomenon of stage fright and implications for voice. Unfortunately, there are no tools for testing per­formance anxiety that would be intended for children and youth, and would also include the context of voice production. The aim of this article is to briefly describe stage fright and psychogenic voice disorders and present a tool based on the three‑factor theory of stage fright constructs. The text describes the stages of creating the questionnaire, factor analy­sis and the selection of scales. The results of the analyzes confirmed the 3‑factor structure of the tool and suggest that the scale may prove to be a valid questionnaire for examining stage fright in children and youth.


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How to Cite

Jaros, K. (2022). Voice Disorders and Performance Anxiety. Children and Youth Stage Fright Scale – Tool Validation. Logopaedica Lodziensia, (6), 83–95. https://doi.org/10.18778/2544-7238.06.06