Autism Spectrum and Developmental Aphasia. Comparison of Language Development
autism spectrum disorder, developmental aphasia, language proficiency, intelligenceAbstract
The study involved 37 children with an autism spectrum disorder and 12 children with developmental aphasia, aged 2,6 to 8,1. They were assessed using the Sentence Comprehension Test, the Speech Therapy Screening Test and the Stanford‑Binet Intelligence Scale. It turned out that the autistic children and aphasic children have a borderline intellectual disability and are delayed in speech development. There were no statistically significant differences between them in terms of language understanding. Children with an autism spectrum disorder obtained significantly higher results than children with childhood aphasia in the tests assessing the dictionary, grammar and pronunciation. A high correlation was also found between the results in the Sentence Comprehension Test and the Speech Therapy Screening Test. However, the correlation between language understanding and non‑verbal intelligence turned out to be statistically insignificant.
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