Work with the literary texts of Yu. Koval at the lessons of the philological analysis of the text with foreign students
philological analysis, Russian as a foreign languageAbstract
Work with literary text is very important in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. At the lessons of reading we pay more attention on the text content, but when we work with students-phylologists we should teach them how to analyse the text, how to find the connection of form and content, how to find linguistic means, which help to understand the idea of the text. In this article we offer methodical research that can help the teachers, who conduct the practical lessons of the text analysis. In the course of the work the following methods were used: the method of observation, the method of contextual analysis, the method of pragmatic text analysis, the comparative-contrastive method. We proposed a variant of constructing a lesson of philological analysis of the text using as an example two stories written by Yu. Koval. The choice of this textual material is motivated by the fact that according to linguistic and extralinguistic characteristics it is suitable for use in a foreign language audience, working with it allows us to achieve the main objectives of the lesson of the philological analysis of the text with foreigners: to teach students the identification and interpretation of linguistic phenomena to determine the author’s intentions, generate respect and interest in Russian literature, to transform the skills of reading for detail into the skills of text analysis.
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