Nonverbal means of conveying emotions (on the material from Polish and Russian literature)


  • Zofia Czapiga University of Rzeszów



emotions, nonverbal communication, Polish, Russian


The article is devoted to the analysis of nonverbal means of conveying emotions in Polish and Russian cultures. Body language employs such tools as look, glance, mimics, change of the face colour, tears, voice, gestures and body movements, as well as diverse untypical activities and behaviour. In strong emotions, the speaker uses different nonverbal means, what gives more complex picture of his or her emotional state. The most vivid and meaningful ways of nonverbal expression are mimics and look. Eyes are perceived as the mirror of the soul in the cultures under investigation, thus it is believed that they can never lie. Nonverbal signs can either confirm the verbal message or modify it.


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How to Cite

Czapiga, Z. (2017). Nonverbal means of conveying emotions (on the material from Polish and Russian literature). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (14), 27–38.