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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Author declares that the Work is an original creation and that they have the appropriate copyrights to the Work, including moral as well as economic rights. If the applicant is not the sole author, he/she undertakes to indicate the percentage share of all co-authors in the preparation of the text. This information should be entered in the field "Rights - percentage share of authors".
  • The Author hereby declares that they did not use generative artificial intelligence tools during the preparation of the manuscript.  If otherwise, the author undertakes to indicate the name of the tool, the purpose and the exact reason for use and confirms that he/she has carried out a thorough, critical verification of the text, especially in terms of the possibility of generating false, incomplete or biased information, the occurrence of plagiarism or lack of/incorrect attribution of authorship, and edited it accordingly. The information should be entered in the "Comments for the Editor" field.
  • The Author assures of no violations of publication ethics and takes full responsibility for the content of the publication. The Author acknowledges and accepts that, in the event of the Author making a false statement, they shall be liable for any damages incurred by the University of Lodz. 
  • The Author undertakes to inform about any possible conflicts of interest in the "Comments for the Editor" field.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to all of the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Editorial instructions, which is found in "For Authors".
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica invites authors to publish their original and unpublished scholarly texts in the journal. The journal publishes academic papers as well as:
a) evaluative and polemical scholarly reviews of up to 5 pages of typescript;
b) information on books of up to 2 typewritten pages;
c) reports from scientific sessions and conferences of up to 3 typewritten pages.
Submissions should include:
The English version of the title
Abstracts both in the language of the paper and in English (up to 0.5 page) five keywords in the language of the paper and in English
In addition, each scholarly text should be accompanied by a bibliography containing a list of academic publications, literary texts, interviews, etc. cited in the paper (in alphabetical order, Latin alphabet, Chicago style).

Please prepare texts in accordance with the following technical requirements:

– paper length: 8–10 pages; language: Russian, Polish
– Microsoft Word; Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing; margins 2.5 cm from all sides

Author’s affiliation:
– name and surname from the left (14, bold, upper case)
– below (spacing 1) workplace (university, faculty, institute/department/division, postal code, precise address and e-mail, 12)

The University of Lodz
The Faculty of Philology
The Institute of Russian Studies
The Department of Russian Literature and Culture 90-226 Łódź
Pomorska 171/173
– next (after double spacing) the title of the paper (14, in bold, centred, upper case)
– below the title of the paper in English (14, in bold, centred, upper case)
– summary and keywords in the language of the paper (10)
– summary and keywords in English (10)
– text of the paper
– bibliography used in the paper (in alphabetical order, in Latin alphabet, Chicago style)

Italics is used in titles of works (books, papers, series) as well as for individual words and expressions from a foreign language.

Quotation marks in texts have the form of: „…” in Polish (and «…» in Russian). It is used in journal titles and to indicate a quotation shorter than 3 lines. Quotations longer than 3 lines

– from a new indented paragraph, font 10, spacing line 1. Stage directions in plays should be cited without italics.

Annotations together with commentary should be placed at the bottom of each page with consecutive numbering (font 10).


Русская литература – век XVIII. Лирика, сост., подгот. текстов и коммент. Н. Кочетковой, Е. Кукушкиной, К. Лаппо-Данилевского и др., вступит. ст. Н. Кочетковой, Москва: Художественная литература 1990, p. 400.

  1. Clement, Trzy modlitwy. Ojcze nasz. Modlitwa do Ducha Świętego. Modlitwa św. Efrema, tł. K. Łukowicz, Wyd. WAM, Kraków 1997, p. 14.
  2. Kropotkin, Zapiski rewolucjonisty, [in:] Turgieniew we wspomnieniach, transl. A. Sarachanowa, selection, introduction and annotations by L. Suchanek, Wyd. Literackie, Kraków 1982, p. 305.

Ibid, p. 401 (entry in Polish)

Там же, p. 401 (entry in Russian)

Fragment of a book:

Ю. М. Лотман, Пути развития русской просветительской прозы XVIII века, [in:] он же, Собрание сочинений, vol. 1, Москва: ОГИ 2000, p. 227.

Г. Гуменная, Диалог Пушкина с жанровой традицией ирои-комической поэмы, [in:] Literatura rosyjska XVIII–XXI w. Dialog idei i poetyk, ред. O. Główko, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2008, p. 170.

В. И. Сахаров, Примечания, [in:] Н. М. Языков, Стихотворения, сост., вступит. ст. и примеч. В. И. Сахарова, Москва: «Советская Россия» 1978, p. 278.

Szymak-Reiferowa, Wstęp, [in:] A. Panajewa (Gołowaczowa), Wspomnienia literackie, transl. A. Sarachanowa, Wyd. Literackie, Kraków 1977, pp. 11–22.

Work cited more than once – abbreviation:

Ю. М. Лотман, Пути развития…, p. 228.

  1. Nowak, Z dziejów…, p. 135.

Paper in a journal:

В. И. Сахаров, Русская масонская поэзия XVIII века, «Русская литература» 1995, № 1, p. 11.

  1. Kołakowski, Poetyckie parafrazy psalmów Aleksandra Sumarokowa w świetle doświadczeń egzystencjalnych, „Studia Rossica Poznaniensia” 1986, № 18, pp. 3–14.

Internet sources:

А. С. Кушнер, Шкатулка, «Нева» 2011, № 5, [Электронный ресурс] [20.02.2015].

С. Ю. Суханова, П. А. Цыпилева, Функции античного претекста в лирике А. Кушнера, «Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология» 2014, № 2 (28), [Internet source], [20.03.2015].

Naści, piesku, kiełbaski. Rozmowa Wojtka Klemma z Joanną Wichowską (11.07.2009), [Internet source] [26.06.2011].

Creating Bibliography in Chicago style:

Bibliography is placed at the end of the text The title “Bibliography” is centred Entries in Bibliography are placed in alphabetical order, in Latin alphabet

Bibliography format:

[Surname, name, publication title, place of publishing, publishing house, date of publishing, pages]