About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The academic journal Folia Litteraria Rossica, belonging to the series Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, is affiliated at the Chair of Russian Literature and Culture. Re-launched in 2010 after a ten-years’ interval, it is issued yearly, in the parallel printed and electronic formats. Since 2013 the electronic edition is the primary one; it is published in https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/litrossica.
The editorial board invites submissions of original, previously unpublished manuscripts. Alongside academic papers, the journal publishes reviews of academic works, as well as reports of conferences and symposia. The sent in materials are subjected to double-blind reviews by two independent specialists in a given field. The editorial board and scientific committee are comprised of scholars from various countries and the reviewing team is international as well.
The editorial office also invites authors to publish works containing documentation of research data previously deposited in a selected repository (so-called data articles describing data sets) or classic scientific articles with data documentation as a supplement.
Manuscripts can be submitted by the end of each calendar year. The language of contributions can be Russian or Polish.
The journal Folia Litteraria Rossica yearly publishes papers on Russian literature and culture, alongside articles devoted to translational issues connected with literary texts. Occasionally, works in the field of more broadly understood Slavic studies are accepted as well. The aim of the journal is to present research results by scholars specialising in Russian/Slavic studies from home and foreign academic centres, to foster the exchange of ideas and integrate the academic community.
The particular yearly issues of the journal are given a monographic character. Their subject matter revolves around “References to literary tradition”. The proposition of extensive and multidirectional research included in this formula invites the scholars to focus on those matters and issues in Russian literature (both old and contemporary) which inspire a timeless dialogue between authors belonging to various epochs, national literatures and cultures. The overarching topic entails assortment and inevitable selection from among the submitted articles, yet it encourages a deeper insight into a specific subject and guarantees a higher level of recognisability of our profile and of the contents of a particular issue for the Readership.
Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 40 (January 2024)