Data Papers
For the sake of transparency of scientific research, as well as the visibility and citation of published works, the Editorial Office of "Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica" encourages authors to share research data (data sets) obtained in the course of research. We invite you to submit texts based on data.
The editors propose two types of such publications:
1. Research data (data article)
– a short text describing the data;
– DOI of data and metadata deposited in the selected repository.
2. Research article with research data (data article) as a supplement
Both types of publications are subject to double review in the double-blind system. ATTENTION! The reviewers do not verify the correctness of the data, which is the responsibility of the author (see review process).
The data should be previously deposited in a trusted and accredited repository selected by the Author (general, institutional or thematic). It is worth ensuring that the data set is provided with a DOI number, which will increase its visibility and accessibility, and is also made available under a CC license (in accordance with the requirements of the funder - in the case of works financed e.g. by the NCN).
Where to deposit research data?
It is worth using repository search engines, e.g. RE3DATA – Registry of Research Data Repositories, OpenDOAR or Repository Finder.
Proposed repositories:
Guidelines for reviewing research data
Sharing research data is intended for their dissemination, therefore data articles should contain information necessary for the broad use of the data set (data set), such as metadata describing the data set (including DOI), information about the adopted methodology and context, as well as about potential re-use in the future.
Reviewers should pay attention to:
1) quality of the manuscript,
2) quality, completeness and reusability of research data,
3) usefulness of research data and their contribution to the development of science.
Reviewers are not obliged to analyze the entire data set, the quality of which is the responsibility of the author.
Ad. 1. Method of presentation: consistency and transparency.
Does the metadata accurately reflect the content of the document?
Is the research data organized in a logical and consistent manner?
Are non-text elements, such as tables and figures, readable and understandable?
Ad. 2. Context and methodology
Are the research data complete, i.e. do they contain the necessary information to possibly reproduce measurements, reproduce figures, etc.?
Are the methods used to obtain research data described in sufficient detail?
Are the data files complete and as described in the metadata?
Was the research context adequately described, based on relevant articles and other available research data?
Ad. 3. The usefulness of research data in the context of future research and scientific development
Do the research data concern a scientifically important issue, region, period and/or group?
Is the research data original?
Is there a potential for the research data to be useful in the future?
Research data structure (data article)
It is a short, peer-reviewed publication whose purpose is to present information about a data set and the possibilities of its reuse. Describes:
a) the contents of the data set deposited in a trusted, accredited repository;
b) the methods used to create this dataset;
c) the reuse potential of the dataset.
The data documentation contains a link to the data set deposited in the repository selected by the Author. It is distributed under the CC license and is provided with a DOI. Structure of research data (data article) reported to Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica:
a) Dataset location [DOI];
b) Contents of the data set;
c) Context and methodology;
d) Reuse potential;
e) License;
f) Relationship to other projects;
g) Bibliography;
h) Citation;
i) Financing.