Expressiveness of emotive utterances (in Russian and Polish)




expressiveness, emotions, reduplication, interjections, Russian language, Polish language


The present paper discusses the linguistic markers of expressiveness in Russian and Polish utterances. Such utterances reflect the emotional condition of the speaker and his/her relationship with other people. Experiencing emotions results in the choice of the linguistic means of expression and their arrangement. It occurs that the expressive character of the utterances is achieved in the languages under investigation by the use of: reduplication of emotive lexemes, phrases and sentences; interjections; exclamatory intonation; accumulation of names of different emotional states (both – positive and negative). Syntactic means of expressing emotions usually co-occur in one utterance.


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How to Cite

Czapiga, Z. (2015). Expressiveness of emotive utterances (in Russian and Polish). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica, (11), 19–27.