The way of testing the level of mastery of the polish verb aspect in the state certificate examinations in polish as a foreign language at the B1 level in the light of new research on perfectiveness/imperfectiveness of verbs




verb aspect, certificate examinations, grammatical correctness, contextual indicator, interchangeability of aspectual partners


The article concerns the testing of the level of mastery of the Polish verb aspect in state certificate examinations in Polish as a foreign language at the B1 level (adjusted to the needs of adults). All the tasks (from the years 2009 – 2020) devoted to the discussed grammatical category were analysed. The collected observations were compared with the conclusions drawn from the research on aspect based on Polish-German and German-Polish translation. By taking into account the perspective of cognitive semantics, this research allowed the description of the repertoire of exponents of aspectual meanings in non-aspect language, and consequently led to new findings in the field of the so-called contexts of the use of perfective and imperfective verbs in Polish – findings particularly important from the point of view of teaching Polish as a foreign language. 


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How to Cite

Terka, B. (2021). The way of testing the level of mastery of the polish verb aspect in the state certificate examinations in polish as a foreign language at the B1 level in the light of new research on perfectiveness/imperfectiveness of verbs . Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców, 28, 47–58.