Mimicry, auto-fiction, genealogy. Playing (down) trauma, reconstructing autobiography in the postmemory writing of Monika Rakusa





Holocaust, trauma, post-memory, autobiography, mimicry, auto-fiction


The article aims to address one of the borderline cases of contemporary autobiographical narratives. Being aware of the limitations characteristic of postmemory practices, the writing of Monika Rakusa creates a self-reflective and ironic variety of postmemory biographical prose, undertaking a complex game with auto-fictional and genre forms (e.g. diaries/blogs typical of life writing and diaries alluding to that of Bridget Jones). The ironic strategy of creating genological ‘mixtures’ captures the perplexities of the hybridised positioning of the Jewish identity of the narrator, who, on the one hand, struggles with intergenerational trauma, anti- Semitism and the indefinable status of her subaltern background and, on the other, is aware of the performative nature of both her own and social biographical practices/compulsions, and seems to be caught up in the mechanisms of mimicry described by Homi Bhabha, the pretense of another identity as a continuation of the strategy of hiding and masking Jewishness. This article investigates at length the relationship between auto-fiction, post-memory and autobiographical modality of family narratives and the ironic distancing techniques contained in three prose texts: 39,9 [39.9]; the short story collection titled Cień [Shadow] and the novel Żona Adama [Adam’s Wife]. In t hese successive variants of ‘parabiography’ (Artur Sandauer), literariness exposed auto-fictionally as a particular form of ‘wounding mimicry’ mediates both the areas of ‘Jewish’ experience of anti-Semitism and trauma, and the conventional formulas of sincerity of life writing, which are treated at a distance, as well as postmemory efforts to understand the past and the ironic symptoms of mimicry.


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Author Biography

Bartosz Dąbrowski, Uniwersytet Gdański

Bartosz Dąbrowski – doktor, adiunkt w Zakładzie Historii Literatury Polskiej Instytutu Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Zajmuje się zagadnieniami postpamięci i międzypokoleniowego dziedziczenia traumy w polskiej prozie najnowszej. Przygotowuje do druku monografię Widma i krypty. Polska proza postmemorialna. Publikował m.in. w „Pamiętniku Literackim”, „Muzyce”, „Autobiografii”, „Czasie Kultury”, „Poznańskich Studiach Polonistycznych”, „Narracjach o Zagładzie”, „Tekstualiach” itd. Jest autorem książek: Mit dionizyjski Karola Szymanowskiego (2001), Szymanowski. Muzyka jako autobiografia (2010) i współredaktorem Obecność Conrada: artykuły z konferencji Joseph Conrad. Konteksty, spotkania i nawiązania międzykulturowe, 23–24 października 2017 r. Gdańsk (2020). Jest członkiem redakcji „Jednak Książki”. Laureat Nagrody im. Jana Józefa Lipskiego (2000) oraz Nagrody Prezesa Rady Ministrów (2006), stypendysta Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej (2006–2007).


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How to Cite

Dąbrowski, B. (2024). Mimicry, auto-fiction, genealogy. Playing (down) trauma, reconstructing autobiography in the postmemory writing of Monika Rakusa. Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze, (13), 105–124. https://doi.org/10.18778/2299-7458.13.06

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