Jan ze Stobnicy (ok. 1470–1518), Arystoteles i Biblia. O duszy, Bogu i Aniołach
https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-0319.26.17Słowa kluczowe:
dusza, literatura nowołacińska, Arystoteles, Biblia, filozofia polskaAbstrakt
In the article the author explores the reflections of Jan of Stobnicy on the soul. A group of Aristotelian notions became important categories in the Polish writer`s lectures, and the terms such as substance, essence, matter and form grew into fundamental conceptions used by Jan of Stobnica to describe the soul. The soul is the form of a living being – the spiritual part of plants, beasts and humans. That is the reason why the Polish writer, like Aristotle, posited three kinds of soul: the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul and the rational soul. Humans have a rational soul. The article presents a consideration that interrogates the ancient lore to uncover the ways in which the Bible and the Greek philosophers created images of God and angels as spiritual beings. Via a survey of Aristotelian sources about the Jan’s of Stobnica reflections on the soul and a study of his views of God and angels, the article reveals how this author was innovatory for the Polish philosophy.
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