Book Review: Porfiriusz z Tyru O wegetarianizmie (Περὶ ἀποχῆς ἐμψúχων), wprowadzenie, przekład i komentarz Ewa Osek, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa, Warszawa 2018, pp. 460


  • Jadwiga Czerwińska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Romanistyki, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź



Porphyry, vegetarianism, neoplatonism


This is the first Polish translation of Porphyry’s of Tyre text done by Ewa Osek. Except for the translation, the book contains the Greek text, a comprehensive introduction to the content of the work, a description of manuscripts and editions, as well as extensive and comprehensive comments on the translated text. Appendix and indexes are also included in the book.

Author Biography

Jadwiga Czerwińska, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Romanistyki, ul. Pomorska 171/173, 90-236 Łódź

Full Professor at the University of Łódź, the chief editor of Collectanea Philologica, a member of The Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), The Classical Asso­ciation, The Center Latinitatis Europae, The Scientific Commitee of Łódź (ŁTN), The Scientific Committe at KUL (Catholic University of Lublin), The Polish Philological Commitee (PTF), the stipendist of Fondation Hardt pour L`Etude de L`Antiquité Classique, Vandoeuvres-Genève and The Lanckoroński Foundation. Interested in Greek theatre and drama (mainly Euripides), Greek philosophy and the reception of Antiquity in Italian culture. The author of many articles, including Polish and Italian monographs about the works of Euripides. Selected publica­tions: Człowiek Eurypidesa wobec zagrożenia życia, namiętnej miłości i ekstazy religijnej (1999); Anthropeia physis come dramatis persona in Euripide (2007); Innowacje mitologiczne i dramaturgiczne Eurypidesa. Tragedia. Tragikomedia (2013). She is co-editor of the volume Ancient Myths in the Making of Culture (Peter Lang 2015), The Metamorphoses of Ancient Myths (Peter Lang 2017). Par­ticipates in the project: Ancient drama and the theater in the works of scholiasts, funded by the The National Science Centre.



How to Cite

Czerwińska, J. (2018). Book Review: Porfiriusz z Tyru O wegetarianizmie (Περὶ ἀποχῆς ἐμψúχων), wprowadzenie, przekład i komentarz Ewa Osek, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa, Warszawa 2018, pp. 460. Collectanea Philologica, (21), 153–158.




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