The Passion and Antiquity. Wawrzyniec Korwin's (1465–1527) Easter Reflection




Neo-Latin literature, Renaissance poetry, death of the Lord, Liturgy of the Hours


The article is an attempt of interpretation of seven poems written by Wawrzyniec Korwin which were inserted in St. Bonaventura`s homilies and constitute forms of prayers to be said daily by Christians. The author analyses the artistic skill of the language used by the poet. His poems keep fascinating their readers because of their language, i.e. style as a system of remarkable pattern of linguistic elements and ancient metre.

Author Biography

Robert K. Zawadzki, Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie

Prof. dr hab. Robert K. Zawadzki – professor of the Polish literature in the Institute of the Polish Literature at the Jan Długosz University in Czestochowa. He teaches courses in general European literature and in the Polish literature, including the Neo-Latin literature. RKZ is a researcher of ancient, literary motifs and the way they shaped and continue to shape the Polish and European cultural tradition. One focus of his research is the ancient novel, but he has also strong interests in the Old-Polish literature as well as the Neo-Latin literature. His current research interests concern the output of Jan of Głogów, Wawrzyniec (Laurentius) Korwin and Jan of Stobnica, a little bit forgotten writers, representatives of the Polish medieval and renaissance cosmography and geography.


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How to Cite

Zawadzki, R. K. (2021). The Passion and Antiquity. Wawrzyniec Korwin’s (1465–1527) Easter Reflection. Collectanea Philologica, (24), 155–171.