Convergence and Disparities in European Industrial Relations
The aim of the article is to present the areas of the greatest convergence and disparities in industrial relations in the EU. This paper also aims to identify the causes of such situations and to determine the influence of the economic crisis on the shape of these relations and the attempt to achieve convergence. The study is composed of an introduction, three main sections and a conclusion. Following the introduction, the section 2 discusses the evolutionary process of European industrial relations and social dialogue. The next section is devoted to employee participation in the management of a company, the area of greatest convergence in industrial relations. Special emphasis is placed on the dual system of employee representation (trade unions and works councils), and in particular on the European Works Councils. The final section examines the greatest disparities between the old and new EU member states with reference to trade union density, range, and the level of collective bargaining. This is followed by a summary of conclusions.
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