Application of Phytoremediation in Restoring Sustainable Development to the Environment: Economic and Soil Conditions
The objective of this article is a presentation of priority questions and relations involving economic and soil conditions for the application of phytoremediation technology in restoring sustainable development to the environment. The analysis looks at the justifiability of the application of phytoremediation in restoring a balanced environment as an alternative method to costly land recultivation aimed at eliminating pollutants—a solution that is impossible in the case of large areas. The cost effectiveness of the use of phytoremediation in the recovery of trace element in the soil through the process of phytoremediation was demonstrated. The quality of soils as found in the Voivodeship of Łódź was analyzed from the point of view of potential application of the phytoremediation method, taking into account subdivision by heavy metals found in the soils as well as their origins and properties. Grades of soil purity are presented and border values of heavy metal content were identified.
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