From a Peasant’s Homestead to the University Chair. Outline of the Biography of Prof. Stefan Banasiak (1929–2018)




recent history, University of Lodz, historians of Lodz, Stefan Banasiak


The article presents the most important facts from the abundant biography of professor Stefan Banasiak, a historian of recent history and for a number of years the director of the Institute of History at the University of Lodz. Stefan Banasiak came from the Łęczyca region. He was born in Topola Katowa in a peasant family. A few years after the Second World War he graduated from the University of Lodz with a degree in social sciences. From 1953, he started working as an assistant at this university, while continuing his studies at the University of Warsaw. After obtaining a master's degree, he developed a scientific and didactic career at the University of Lodz. He obtained further levels of academic advancement: in 1961 he became a doctor and in 1967 he received a postdoctoral degree. In 1978, he was appointed an associate professor, and in 1990 became a full professor. In the years 1968–1970 he was deputy director, then in the years 1970–1978 the director of the Institute of History of the University of Lodz. He obtained significant achievements in scientific research, especially the problems of post-war resettlement of German population and settlement activity in the Western and Northern Territories. He also specialized in regional history, writing many publications on social and political history of Łódź and other centers of the Lodz region. He had great achievements in educating the scientific staff of historians (he promoted over 120 MAs and 7 doctors). He was active in many organizations and associations. The funeral of professor Banasiak took place on April 4, 2018 at the cemetery in Łódź in Ogrodowa Street.


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How to Cite

Olejnik, L. (2020). From a Peasant’s Homestead to the University Chair. Outline of the Biography of Prof. Stefan Banasiak (1929–2018). Zeszyty Wiejskie, 26, 349–360.



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