Condition of Polish education and the tasks of academic teachers




condition of Polish education, tasks of academic teachers, educational constructivism, enclaves of innovation


In the text, I attempt to reflect on the current state of education in Poland and our (i.e. academic teachers’) role in the situation. Therefore, I explain how I understand what education is and what its tasks are, and then I sketch the image of Polish public education, noting its shortcomings and their consequences. Then I present the strategy that academic teachers should adopt in the current circumstances. I wonder which teaching methods are compatible: with the current conditions of education, and with classical and post-classical theories of cognition, knowledge and teaching (the latter is accepted by most of us). Finally, I propose the use of the “educational enclaves” strategy and characterize this endeavor.


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How to Cite

Pobojewska, A. (2024). Condition of Polish education and the tasks of academic teachers. Zeszyty Wiejskie, 419–436.


