The School of Thought: Relational Processes of Lasting Existence and Transformation




school of thought, social relationship, transformations, mastery, shared experience


This article is an attempt to analyze the features of the titular concept of the school of thought, which occurs through participation in situations that encourage the sharing of experience. The formation of a school of thought is understood as a relational process; therefore, in this context, a consideration of social relationships becomes a key task. It is also an expression of the culture of practice shared by participants in the activity and created by them. As a result, a school of thought is understood as an interweaving of relationships, opinions, and positions which direct and orient the activity. Relational processes are examined from this perspective, i.e. the processes of the lasting existence and transformation of a school of thought, presented in their many different dimensions.


Author Biography

Ewa Marynowicz-Hetka, Department of Social Pedagogy at the University of Lodz

Marynowicz-Hetka Ewa – social pedagogue, professor of humanities, Doctor Honoris Causa received at the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. Her research interests include: tools for analyzing the field of activity of social pedagogues, training for the field of practice, social pedagogy seen as an academic discipline, and orientation in activity.


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How to Cite

Marynowicz-Hetka, E. (2019). The School of Thought: Relational Processes of Lasting Existence and Transformation. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 8(1), 109–125.

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