Preschool as a Shared Place. About the Fundamental Values of the University Preschool in Gdansk
The Reggio Emilia Approach, University Preschool in Gdansk, participation, subjectivity, organization of the environmentAbstract
The article consists of two parts. In the first part, we introduce the premises of the educational philosophy of Reggio Emilia, which formed the basis for the concept of the University Preschool in Gdansk. We refer to the values that, from the perspective of adults who are part of the preschool community, were the foundation for creating everyday educational context in the University Preschool during the first three years of its functioning. In the discourse of Reggio Emilia, a preschool is not perceived so much as a place of instruction or formation, but rather as a place of education, a place where values are transmitted, discussed and constructed. Democracy, participation and subjectivity are key categories on which the narrative is focused. In the second part, these categories are the starting point for reconstructing the cultural practices present in the everyday life of the preschool which fulfill the above mentioned values. We refer to the goals of the University Preschool, the principles and conditions of its functioning. We also describe solutions, especially in the field of the organization of the educational environment, which contribute to the building of a community in which children are listened to and supported by adults.
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