The Forms of Spending Free Time of Elderly People in Łódź Voivodeship


  • Blanka Gosik Filia Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim, Instytut Turystyki i Rozwoju Gospodarczego



forms of spending free time, old age, aging, activity of elderly people


The purpose of this article is to describe the forms of spending leisure time by elderly people as well as the problems associated with the topic. The investigation focuses on such aspects as active and passive forms of spending free time, the prefered way seniors spend their free time, and places ouside home they choose to spend their free time. Particular atention was paid to their physical and cultural activity. The article also described the consequenses of the process of the aging of socjety at the individual, social, and econimic levels. The study was performed among seniors living in Łódź voivodeship.


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How to Cite

Gosik, B. (2015). The Forms of Spending Free Time of Elderly People in Łódź Voivodeship. Space – Society – Economy, (14), 137–149.